University Level Courses on Conscious Cognition & the Brain with Bernard J. Baars

Advance your understanding of the living brain.
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The cortex is a huge city of specialized functions, along with a unifying "center" linked to conscious cognition: what has been called a global workspace. We will learn about these aspects in this multimedia education course.

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Understanding the Mind & Brain with Psychobiologist Bernard J. Baars

Start learning today with one of the founders of the modern science of consciousness.

Direct observation of brains, starting with Wilder Penfield in the 1930s, shows that conscious experiences can be evoked in the cortex – the largest, most interconnected organ in the brain. Explore evidence in medical science with Bernard Baars and leading scientists and scholars in the scientific study of consciousness & the brain.

These Courses are for you if you’re interested in, or if you teach or study any of the following subjects:

Students Receive Baars' Latest Book. Enroll Today!

“On Consciousness: Science & Subjectivity” is an indispensable addition to the libraries of both students and experts who study the brain and conscious cognition.

George Mashour, MD, PhD

Director, Center for Consciousness Science, University of Michigan

3 fMRI scans of the human brain on black background

What does modern science know about the brain basis of consciousness?

Consciousness is a fundamental scientific question of life. Elucidating its biological and psychological bases could therefore pave the way for major breakthroughs in basic science and clinical medicine. Moreover, such an understanding would have profound implications for philosophy.

Cortex is the most hyper-adaptable region of the brain, and reflects evolutionary, ontogenetic, epigenetic, and consciously-mediated learning and adaptation. The story of consciousness is the story of cortex – in dialogue with unconscious cortico-thalamic and extra-cortical functions.

We now have definitive evidence for that understanding, which has been historically hard to pin down because the cortex is the most adaptable organ in the body.

The cortex is adaptable at numerous levels of analysis — the most obvious being the dynamic activities that support learning, problem solving, and our consciousness at this very moment.

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Start Learning with the World's Leading Thinkers about the Scientific Study of Consciousness & the Brain